Strategic Management
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Management of Climate Crisis and Planetary Boundaries through Eco Taxation
“Last summer fires tore through rainforest in north Queensland and devastated forests in Tasmania, while on the Barwon-Darling millions of fish and other riverine...
‘Never Let a Crisis go to Waste’: How Three CEOs Helped their Companies Thrive...
Thomas Malnight, International Institute for Management Development (IMD) and Ivy Buche, International Institute for Management Development (IMD)
The COVID-19 pandemic has prompted different responses from...
Henry Mintzberg: Strategic Thinking as “Seeing”
Maybe we think too much and see too little. What, then, does strategic thinking as seeing mean?
Let’s begin with what strategic thinking is not....
The Futures of Strategic Management
All ideas, all practices, have roots that flourish in a particular ecology, a particular intellectual and practical terroir. Strategy is no different.
Strategy and strategic...
Connecting Strategy, Culture & Leadership
Time to Connect Strategy, Culture & Leadership in your Organization?
‘Change begins where Strategy, Culture, and Leadership connect’
Recently I have been working on an organizational...