The History of ManageMagazine
ManageMagazine is a dynamic global community about Leadership and Management in context.
It was born as a vehicle to spread mainly research, yet all kinds of expert knowledge, with leaders and managers, so they in turn can create flourishing, inspiring and positive work environments that foster happy people.
Facts about ManageMagazine
ManageMagazine was registered in October 2015 and launched September 26th. 2016. It is owned entirely by Magga Holding. Magga Holding is owned by Dr. Vibeke Vad Baunsgaard, who is also the managing director of ManageMagazine. It is registered in Denmark, Aarhus. Aarhus is the second largest city in Denmark with the capital: Copenhagen, being the largest city.
Please also see About ManageMagazine for further information about the motivation and drive leading to the launch of a knowledge sharing community about leadership and management.
Pictures for Download
Editor Margot Gordon
Dr. Vibeke Vad Baunsgaard