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For Change to Happen, You Have to Take Action

For-Change-to-Happen you Have to Take Action Nik Davies
Authored by Nik Davis The secret of change is to focus all of your energy not on fighting the old, but on building the new ~Socrates The...

The Ability to Change Your Mind Might Just Be Your Superpower

the ability to change your mind might just be your superpower
Authored by Melissa Hughes, PH.D. Racist. Xenophobe. Bigot.  Those were a few of the top searches on Merriam-Webster last week. Political events and media coverage...

The Law of Leadership

Authored by Andre van Heerden Imagine that you are creating a fabric of human destiny with the object of making men happy in the end,...

The Measure of a Leader

Authored by Andre van Heerden Whether or not we can have justified confidence in our philosophical claims in politics and ethics depends in part on...

Turn Around your Executive Team Today

Turn Around your Executive Team Today
Authored by Lawrence Polsky Teams get off course. It happens. Even with good people and the best intentions. Sometimes a new CEO comes in and...

The Story of Leadership

Authored by Andre van Heerden It is through hearing stories about wicked stepmothers, lost children, good but misguided kings, wolves that suckle twin boys, youngest...

The World as an Oyster: What Shapes the Way you Think...

The World as an Oyster What Shapes the Way you Think as a Leader?
Authored by Andre van Heerden The unifying preoccupation of (liberal modernity) is the condition of those who see in the social world nothing but a...

Disenchanted in Babel – Modernity & the Demise of Leadership

Disenchanted in Babel - Modernity & the Demise of Leadership
Authored by Andre van Heerden A proper story…is the expression of some unchanging human predicament; as a Highland lament, composed to reconcile a passionate people...

What does it Mean to be a Thinking Environment® and Why...

What does it Mean to be a Thinking Environment® and Why does it Matter?
Authored by Jane Adshead-Grant “2020 is not turning out to be a very good year, first with the pandemic and now with the social unrest”,...

The Alchemy of Leading

Authored by Dr. Jeb. S. Hurley Here in the Wasatch mountains, 2020 arrived with fresh snowfall and the promise of more powder to come in...