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Advertising in ManageMagazine

Is your Product or Service Interesting for our Readers?

Is your product or service interesting and valuable to the readers of ManageMagazine? Then contact us to discuss possibilities for collaborating. We are interested in advertisements that are valuable for decision makers in general. It may be advertisements about anything from online courses, software, management books to a classy watch collection, a computer bag – to mention a few examples

Target Audience forAdvertisements in ManageMagazine

By advertising in ManageMagazine, you will reach a target audience interested in the areas of management, leadership, and organization studies in general. Our readers are mainly owners, leaders, managers or scholars including students.

Advertising in ManageMagazine is Easy

Give us a call or send a mail to let us know what you are hoping to accomplish with your marketing. We are happy to work with you to suggest which forms, design, and templates will work best for you.

We look forward to hearing from you and to making room for your interesting advertisements.


Contact CEO Vibeke Vad Baunsgaard, Ph.D. at

Email: [email protected] or at

Mobile: +45 5059 5013