Webinar Series: Activating Inclusion

In collaboration with the fantastic webinar host School of Becoming and its founder Ingo Rauth, we’re proud to invite you to this free webinar about How to Design Inclusive Interactions with Lisa Kepinski and Tinna Nielsen. This webinar is part of the webinar series ACTIVATING INCLUSION (please see the program below).

FREE Webinar with Lisa Kepinski and Tinna Nielsen about How to Design Inclusive Interactions

How can we engage with others in inclusive ways, not just inviting them in, but making sure their unique talent and potential are being used for the greater good of all of us?

How to make interactions inclusive is about applying insights from behavioral and social sciences to make it easy to do.

In this session, Lisa Kepinski and Tinna C. Nielsen share practical examples of the change & design approach Inclusion Nudges to illustrate how all people can be part of designing and developing our organizations and communities to be inclusive as the norm.

Inclusion Nudges is about influencing our unconscious mind to change behavior and reduce the effect of biases. It is also about going beyond ourselves to meet and view people and situations from diverse perspectives.

You also get examples of how you motivate others to be allies for diversity, equity, and inclusion through their actions.

Event Details

September 24th at 9 AM SAN FRANCISCO / 12PM NEW YORK / 17:00 LONDON / 18:00 BERLIN/COPENHAGEN 


About Lisa Kepinski and Tinna Nielsen

Lisa Kepinski (Germany) and Tinna C. Nielsen (Aarhus – Denmark) are world-acclaimed experts in applying behavioral insights and design for impactful systemic, cultural, leadership, and behavioral change.

In 2015, 2016, 2017 Lisa Kepinski and Tinna Nielsen were listed Top 10 on the Global Diversity List supported by The Economist.

They are the Founders of the Inclusion Nudges global initiative.

Inclusion Nudges refer to designs targeted the unconscious mind nudging people to be allies and do inclusion as the norm everywhere.

Lisa Kepinski is also a social psychologist and founder of Inclusion Institute, while Tinna Nielsen is an anthropologist and founder of Move the Elephant for Inclusiveness.

They work with organizations such as the United Nations, OECD, Amnesty International, Red Cross, PepsiCo, Cargill, Barilla, as well as with governments, refugee camps, and other change-makers.

Go to Inclusion-Nudges to see their how-to guidebooks, such as The Inclusion Nudges Guidebook, and the Action Guide Series.

We look forward to seeing you at this webinar with the talented Lisa Kepinsky and Tinna Nielsen, who both have made TEDx-talk on the subject.

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Webinar Program: Activating Inclusion

Identity, Privilege & Power – Understanding Inclusion and How it Impacts Us by Samia Chasi, 17-09-2020

Engage Inclusively: The Power of Microaffirmations by Ana Perez – 22-09-2020

How to Design Inclusive Interactions by Lisa Kepinski and Tinna Nielsen, 24-09-2020

Emancipatory Leadership by Nouman Ashraf, 29-09-2020

Activating Leadership – Lessons from Post-Apartheid South Africa by Fazela Haniff, 01-10-2020

From Program Process: Designing Equitable Organizations by Aubrey Blanche, 05-10-2020

How to Become a More Inclusive Leader by Tanisha Mair, 08-10-2020

How to Create Inclusive Cultures by Nudging by Lisa Kepinski and Tinna Nielsen, 13-10-2020

Creating Cultures of Belonging by Lorne Rubis, 15-10-2020


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